
2021-03-09 04:33:59 字數 744 閱讀 5598


today was lantern day.my family and i went to see the lanterns.on the streets ,there were many kinds of lanterns,some were about olympics in beijing,some were friendlies and so on.

i like the mouse lantern best,so my parents bought it for me.on the way home we ate dumplings,they are wonderfull.i had a great time today!


today is in the first lunar month 15.my family and i went to see the lanterns.on the streets ,there were many kinds of lanterns,some were about olympics in beijing,some were friendlies and so on.

i like the mouse lantern best,so my parents bought it for me.on the way home we ate dumplings,they are wonderfull.i had a great time today!


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