問英語翻譯 1,建立志願者協會2,把某物歸還給某人3,幸

2021-04-12 20:29:07 字數 1469 閱讀 3613


1. found a volunteer association2. return something to someone3.

it's lucky to do something4. to make a speech

5. take out the trash,take out the garbage,empty the dustbin



1. what about doing sth2. prefer a to b/ prefer to sth/do sth rather than do sth

3. would rather do sth than do sth4. prefer to do sth


1. how about sb/sth/doing sth2. comparing to sth/doing sth, like sth/doing sth more

3. would rather do sth than (do) sth

4. like doing sth more


4、like doing sth better than doing sth


1what about doing sth? 2 i prefer to sth/do sth rather than do sth




1 to be done

2 share sth. with sb.

3 go through sth

4 in sequence

5 on purpose

6 participate... for...

7 communicate with

8 face to face

9 suffer from

英語 翻譯下列片語:1.主動提初做某事2.計劃做某事3.最後;終於4.希望做某事5.因為...


offer to do sth

plan to do sth

at last

wish to do sth

be famous of doing sthagree to do sth

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