create table test_b (name char(10),a char(10),b int,c nvarchar(200))
insert test_b select '張三','語文',98,'超長髮揮'
insert test_b select '張三','數學',78,'一般'
insert test_b select '張三','英語',88,'發揮失常'
create function functionname_testb (@name char(10))
returns nvarchar(2000)
as begin
declare @s nvarchar(2000)
set @s=''
select @s=@s+','+c from test_b where name=@name
return (stuff(@s,1,1,'')) end
select name, sum(b) ,dbo.functionname_testb(name) from test_b group by name
select t.姓名,sum(成績) as 總成績,(select 評語 from t1 as t,t1 as t2 where t.姓名 = t2.
姓名 and t.科目 = 語文)||、||(select 評語 from t1 as t,t1 as t2 where t.姓名 = t2.
姓名 and t.科目 = 數學)||、||(select 評語 from t1 as t,t1 as t2 where t.姓名 = t2.
姓名 and t.科目 = 英語)as 總評語 from t1 as t ,t1 as t2 where t.姓名 =t2.
select t.姓名,sum(成績) as 總成績,
(select 評語 from t1 as t,t1 as t2 where t.姓名 = t2.姓名 and t.科目 = 語文)||、||
(select 評語 from t1 as t,t1 as t2 where t.姓名 = t2.姓名 and t.科目 = 數學)||、||
(select 評語 from t1 as t,t1 as t2 where t.姓名 = t2.姓名 and t.科目 = 英語)as 總評語
from t1 as t ,t1 as t2
where t.姓名 =t2.姓名;
檢查一下select 語句,可以指定t1表,
sql 分類彙總查詢語句
select min(id) as 序號,max(dept) as 部門,
sum(case when zt='01' or zt='02' then pay else 0 end) as 合計,
sum(case zt when 01 then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,
sum(case zt when 02 then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,
count(zt) as 總數
from aac
group by dept
select min(id) as 序號,
max(dept) as 部門,
sum(pay) as 合計,
sum(case zt when '01' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,
sum(case zt when '02' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,
count(zt) as 總數
from 表名
group by dept
還是 zjwssg提醒,但最後兩個sum中when後面,建議還是加單引號吧
select min(id) as 序號,
max(dept) as 部門,
sum(case when zt='01' or zt='02' then pay else 0 end) as 合計,
sum(case zt when '01' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,
sum(case zt when '02' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,
count(zt) as 總數
from 表名
group by dept
select dept as 部門,sum(pay) as 合計,sum(case zt when '01'then 1 else 0 end) as 個數(01狀態),
sum(case zt when '02'then 1 else 0 end) as 個數(02狀態),count(*) as 總數
from 表 group by dept
row_number() over(order by a.dept) 序號,
a.dept 部門,
(select dept,sum(pay) 合計 from t where zt='01' or zt='02' group by dept) a,
(select dept,count(pay) 個數01 from t where zt='01' group by dept) b,
(select dept,count(pay) 個數02 from t where zt='02' group by dept) c,
(select dept,count(pay) 總數 from t group by dept) d
where a.dept=b.dept and b.dept=c.dept and c.dept=d.dept
row_number() over(order by dept) 序號,
dept as 部門,
sum(case when zt='01' or zt='02' then pay else 0 end) 合計,
sum(case when zt='01' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,
sum(case when zt='02' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,
count(*) as 總數
from t
group by dept
如果你用的是sql server可以:
select 序號=identity(int,1,1),dept as 部門,sun(pay) as 合計,sum(case when zt='01' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數01狀態,sum(case when zt='02' then 1 else 0 end) as 個數02狀態,count(*) as 總數 into #tmp_total from yourtablename group by dept
select * from #tmp_total 就得到你要的效果了你要說是在什麼資料庫下,資料庫不同寫法也是有一定差別的
create table tb (id int,dept varchar(10),pay int,zt int)
insert tb select 1,'辦公室',20,1
union all select 2,'局領導',10,2
union all select 3,'辦公室',40,3
union all select 4,'局領導',10,1
union all select 5,'辦公室',50,1
union all select 6,'局領導',10,2
union all select 7,'辦公室',20,2
union all select 8,'局領導',10,2
select identity(int,1,1) as 序號,
dept as 部門,
sum(case when zt='01' or zt='02' then pay else 0 end) 合計,
sum(case when zt='1' then 1 else 0 end) 個數01狀態,
sum(case when zt='2' then 1 else 0 end) 個數02狀態,
count(*) as 總數 into #temp from tb group by dept
select * from #temp
select a.dept,a.pay,c.[01],c.[02],b.ztnum
(select dept,sum(pay) as pay from table_1 where zt in(01,02) group by dept
)aleft join
(select dept,count(zt) as ztnum from table_1 group by dept
) bon a.dept=b.dept
left join
(select *
(select dept,zt,count(zt) as ztnum from table_1 where zt in(01,02) group by dept,zt)a
for a.zt in ([01],[02])
) as tpivot
) con b.dept=c.dept
關鍵是分類彙總後,選擇二級顯示 行號左側 然後選擇 部門 和 實發工資 兩列,建立圖表。圖表型別 圖表選項 圖表標題,資料標誌 圖表位置。excel裡面有,可以自動生成。你自己找一下 excel 先分類彙總,後製作餅圖的 資料怎麼選啊。2 資料輸入到excel 中之後,就可以製作餅圖了。在excel...
sql server中如何實現這樣的彙總查詢
select a.城市名稱,sum isnull case when 產品名稱 方便麵 then 銷量 end 0 方便麵,sum isnull case when 產品名稱 洗髮水 then 銷量 end 0 洗髮水,sum isnull case when 產品名稱 礦泉水 then 銷量 en...
sql server安裝問題
安裝2005要先檢查本機的安裝環境是否符合要求,在光碟的安裝目錄不是有個 安裝前什麼什麼的檢查工作 你讓它先檢查下,一般盜版的xp系統有以下不足 dom 沒啟動,iis服務沒驅動或沒安裝,登錄檔的鍵值不符合。你必須要先解決這幾個問題才能安裝完全。不知道樓主進行檢查過沒 你要裝這個軟體最好不要用gho...