my family
there are three people in my family . they are my father , my mother and i .my father is a driver .
he is very clever . my mother is a teacher . she is very nice .
i am a pupil . i』
***e from china. my country is very brautiful. the spring is warm .
but summer sometime is very hot. the autumn isn't hot,but isn't cold. the winter is pretty cold in nost of my country.
it will be snowy in nost of my country winteir。
i love my country 。
英語作文 my cousin五六句
i am one year older than my cousin. both of us are the only child in the family, so my cousin and i are very closed, we are just like the sisters. i like to share my secret with my cousin, because i don』t want to tell my parents.
每年春節過後的農曆正月十五是我國的元宵節,又叫 燈節 和 上元節 是中國自古以來就在民間流傳的另一個已有2000多年曆史的傳統佳節。元宵節起源於西漢王朝。相傳漢惠帝死後飛揚跋扈的呂后篡權,任用了大量呂氏親信,宦官當權。呂后死後,公元前179年,漢文帝在老忠臣協助下登基,博採眾議,在正月十五這天,一舉...
今天是五一節,又叫勞動節。勞動節?是誰的節日呢?有什麼來歷嗎?我上網一查。哦,原來五一勞動節又稱 五一國際勞動節 國際示威遊行日 是勞動者的節日。來歷是 1886年5月1日,芝加哥的二十一萬六千餘名工人為爭取八小時工作制而舉行大罷工,經過艱難的流血鬥爭,終於取得了勝利。所以,人們把這一天定為了勞動節...
四年級英語作文my p a t,四年級英語作文my p a t 35字
my mother s work is very common,and also very special.because she is a housewife my mother is very busy every day.she get up at 6 00 am for breakfast,...