
2021-06-25 09:52:26 字數 955 閱讀 8241


nietzsche believes that the so-called "overman " , is evolved by human being. in other words, you are human, but your children, or something you created must be stronger than you, they are over you, that means they are superman. so you (human being) are just a bridge between the monkeys and the overman,and yet you are not important.

zarathustra teaches people "overman",drew laughter and contempt of the masses. nietzsche uses "superman" to show people the value of human. nietzsche considered the flesh to be living life, and  the nature of existence, not onlythe material, but also the spirit, particularly those "true me" ,which entity belonging to the spiritual, can  command the flesh "i", and make the flesh become something "beyond ourselves" ,which is "overman",and therefor is the value of existence.



本來想著英語翻譯那敢情好啊。。。看了看親你果然還是自己的腦子結合翻譯軟體吧= =|||這太傷不起了


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