
2021-06-25 17:53:26 字數 5499 閱讀 1999


實木傢俱定製專區solid wood furniture customization area/ 松木傢俱定製專區pine wood furniture customization area/實木傢俱定製專區solid wood furniture customization area/沙發床專區sofa bed customization area/歐式田園傢俱專區european pastoral style furniture customization area/軟床專區soft bed customization area/實木田園風格專區solid wood pastoral style furniture customization area





aadjustable bed 可調床

air bed 氣床

anti-slip strip for stairs (兒童床)防滑樓梯打擊扶手

antique furniture 古式傢俱

antique reproduction furniture 仿古傢俱

armchair 扶手椅

b baby crib 嬰兒床

backless wall-unit 不設背板的壁櫥

bamboo furniture 竹傢俱

banqueting chair 宴會椅

barstool 吧椅

bathroom accessories 浴室配套裝置

bathroom combination 浴室組合櫃

bathroom consoles 浴室多用架

bathroom furniture 浴室傢俱

bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗臺

batten door 板條門

bed base床架,床套

bed base set 成套床架

bedroom suite 臥室系列傢俱

bedstead 床架

bentwood furniture 曲木傢俱

beside table 床頭櫃

birch door 樺木門

board-room and conference table 會議桌

bookcase 書櫃

bookshelf 書架

built-in kitchen 配套廚房傢俱

bunk 雙層床

bunk bed 雙層床

c cabin bed 兒童多功能床

cabin furniture for ships 船用傢俱

canopy bed 帶天篷的床,四柱床

cd-video storage cabinet邊 音響組合櫃

chair with castors 腳輪椅

changing table 可調桌

chest of drawers 多屜櫥櫃

child cot 童床

children’s bed 兒童床

children’s bedroom suite 兒童臥房系列傢俱

children’s chair 兒童椅

ckd(complete knock down) 整體拆裝式傢俱

clothes rail 掛衣杆

cocktail cabinet 吧櫃,酒櫃

cocktail table 雞尾酒桌

coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌

combine-unit 組合櫃

composite furniture 複合傢俱

console 小桌

console table (裝在牆上的)蝸形腿臺桌

contract furniture 訂做傢俱,承建傢俱

contract programmes 訂做傢俱

corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆

cot 童床(嬰兒床)

couch 長沙發椅

cupboard 櫥櫃

cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣櫃

curtain 窗簾,掛簾

customized furniture 訂做傢俱

d decorative lighting 裝飾燈具

dining room furniture 餐廳傢俱

dining room set 起居室配套傢俱

dining table 餐桌

divan 長沙發,沙發床

dividing wall and fitted wall unit 隔牆板及系列

diy furniture 自裝式傢俱

double-bed 雙人床

double function sofa-bed 雙人沙發床

double sided mirror 雙面鏡

draughtsman chair 吧椅

drawer 抽屜

dressing table 梳妝檯

e easy chair 輕便椅

end table 茶几

entrance hall furniture 門廳傢俱

exterior door戶外門

f filing cabinet 檔案櫃


fitment 固定傢俱

fitting 家居用品

flap 翻門

flower stand 花架

flush door 平面門,全板門

folding chair 摺疊椅

folding furniture 摺疊傢俱

folk furniture 民間傢俱

foot-stool 踏腳凳

framed mirror 帶框鏡子

french-type furniture 模式傢俱

french cabinet 法式桌椅彎腳

french door 玻璃門

function sofa多功能沙發椅

furniture for bedrooms 臥室傢俱

furniture for public premises 公共場所傢俱

g game table 玩具桌

gate-leg table摺疊桌

glass cabinet 玻璃陳設櫃

glass case玻璃陳設櫃

glass unit and container 玻璃容器製品

glazed door 玻璃門

h hall furniture 廳房傢俱

hat and coat stand 衣帽架

headboard 床頭

heirloom quality furniture 祖傳傢俱

high bed 兒童高腳床(不帶屜櫃)

high chair 高腳椅

highback executive chair 高背辦公椅

home furniture 家庭傢俱,民用傢俱

home office furniture 家庭辦公傢俱

hotel furniture 酒店傢俱

household furniture 家庭傢俱


i institutional furniture 風俗傢俱,公用傢俱

j junior desk chair 學生書桌椅

k kitchen block /kitchen rock 廚房地磚

kitchen cabinet 餐具櫃

kitchen chair, stool and bench 廚房椅、圓凳及條椅

kitchen fitment 廚房固定傢俱

kitchen table 廚房餐桌

kitchen unit 廚房成套傢俱

l lamp table 燈桌

lath grid 板條格

ledged door 直板門

link chair 寫字板椅

living room furniture 起居室傢俱

locker 衣帽櫃

lounge furniture 客廳傢俱

louvered door 百葉窗櫃門

lowback executive chair 低背辦公椅

lowback guest chair 低背來賓椅

lowback visitor chair 低背接待椅

m managerial mediumback chair 中背經理椅

margined flush door 鑲邊平板門

mattress 床墊,席夢思

mediumback executive chair 中背辦公椅

metal furniture金屬傢俱

mirror door 玻璃門

mirror for chest of drawers 多屜櫃梳妝鏡

multi-purpose sofa 多用沙發

multi-purpose table 多用桌

n nest 茶几

o occasional furniture 配套傢俱,休閒傢俱

occasional table 休閒桌

office furniture 辦公傢俱

office seating 辦公座椅

office table 辦公桌

p partition wall 隔斷

pembroke table 折面桌

planters chair 園藝工用椅

plastic furniture 塑料傢俱

play furniture 娛樂傢俱

presidential highback chair 高背辦公椅

pull-out table 伸縮餐具

r rattan furniture 藤傢俱

recliner 躺椅

refectory table長餐桌

rocking chair 搖擺椅

rotary chair 轉椅

rustic style furniture 鄉村風格傢俱

s school table 課桌

screen 屏風


seating element 痤墊

secretarial chair 祕書椅

3-section mirror 三面梳妝鏡

semi-ckd 半拆裝傢俱

serving table送餐桌

shelving combination


沙發: sofa

書桌: desk

椅子: chair

書架: bookcase

餐桌: table

床: bed

茶几: end table

衣櫃: bureau



窗明几淨 翻箱倒櫃 舉案齊眉 爐火純青 門可羅雀 床第之私 床上安床 東窗事發 枕戈待旦 枕戈寢甲 枕冷衾寒 枕山棲谷 高枕無憂 民不安枕 一枕黃梁 挨門逐戶 愛屋及烏 債臺高築 近水樓臺 門當戶對 門戶之見 門庭若市 搬門弄斧 開門見山 滅門絕戶 歪門邪道 得意門生 自立門戶 廣開門路 左道旁門 ...


傢俱英文為furniture 讀音為 f n t 卡芙迪傢俱用英語怎麼說 卡芙迪傢俱 英語翻譯 kafudi furniture 活動傢俱英文術語中固裝傢俱怎麼說 酒店傢俱,就是根據每個酒店不同的要求做一批不同的產品,同個性定製有一定的區別,個性定製全部都是一件一件的做,酒店傢俱是這個酒店做10樣各...


關於時間的英語諺語 關於時間的英語諺語如下 1 time is money.一寸光陰一寸金。2 time tries truth.時間校驗真理。3 time will tell.時間能說明問題。4 time brings the truth to light.時間使真相大白。或時間一到,真理自明。5...