in this farewell,there\'s no blood,there\'s no alibi.cause i\'ve drawn regret,from the truth,of a thousand lies.so let mercy come,and wash away...
what i\'ve done,i\'ll face myself,to cross outwhat i\'ve become,erase myself,and let go ofwhat i\'ve done.put to rest,what you thought of me.while i clean this slate,with the hands of uncertaintyso let mercy come,and wash away...
what i\'ve done,i\'ll face myself,to cross outwhat i\'ve become,erase myself,and let go ofwhat i\'ve done.for what i\'ve done,i start again.and whatever pain may come,today this ends,i\'m forgiving...
what i\'ve done,i\'ll face myself,to cross outwhat i\'ve become,erase myself,and let go ofwhat i\'ve done.what i\'ve done,forgiving what i\'ve done.
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軍民大生產 解放區呀麼嗬嗨,大生產呀麼嗬嗨,軍隊和人民西里裡裡嚓啦啦啦嗦羅羅呔,齊動員呀麼嗬嗨。兵工隊呀麼嗬嗨,互助組呀麼嗬嗨,勞動的歌聲西里裡裡嚓啦啦啦索羅羅呔,滿山川呀麼嗬嗨。婦女們呀麼嗬嗨,都爭先呀麼嗬嗨,手搖著紡車吱嚀嚀嚀吱嚀嚀嚀嗡嗡嗡嗡吱兒,紡線線呀麼嗬嗨。又能武呀麼嗬嗨,又能文的呀麼嗬嗨...
1.為什麼法國又派兵到非洲?2.為什麼中國被固定在月球上?3.為什麼普京總是遲到?4.為什麼那法國人正在轉向快餐?有無標點符號無關重要 因為1 3確實是特殊疑問句,而2 4不是特殊疑問句,是狀語從句,而且都是原因狀語從句。所以裡面的句子按正常的主謂賓排列!1 3是特殊疑問句,是一個sentence,...