參考private sub command1_click()dim a
dim i as integer
a = split(trim(text1.text), vbcrlf)
i = int(rnd * (ubound(a) - lbound(a)) + 1) + lbound(a)
print a(i)
end sub
'讀取指定行的函式,用法 【?】=getline(【源資料】,【行號(可以多選)】)
function getline(byval s as string, paramarray a())
dim i as integer, st(1 to 1000) as string, s1 as string, s2 as string, rnum as integer, v
s1 = ""
rnum = 0
for i = 1 to len(s)
if mid(s, i, 1) <> chr(13) thens1 = s1 + mid(s, i, 1)else
rnum = rnum + 1
st(rnum) = s1
s1 = ""
end if
next i
rnum = rnum + 1
st(rnum) = s1
s1 = ""
for each v in a
s1 = s1 + st(v)
next v
getline = s1
end function
option explicit
const em_getline = &hc4
const em_linelength = &hc1
const em_lineindex = &hbb
private declare function sendmessage lib "user32" alias "sendmessagea" (byval hwnd as long, byval wmsg as long, byval wparam as long, lparam as any) as long
private declare sub rtlmovememory lib "kernel32" (lpvdest as any, lpvsource as any, byval cbcopy as long)
sub tb_getline(byval hwnd as long, byval whichline as long, line as string)
dim length as long, barr() as byte, barr2() as byte, lc as long
lc = sendmessage(hwnd, em_lineindex, whichline, byval 0&)
length = sendmessage(hwnd, em_linelength, lc, byval 0&)
if length > 0 then
redim barr(length + 1) as byte, barr2(length - 1) as byte
call rtlmovememory(barr(0), length, 2)
call sendmessage(hwnd, em_getline, whichline, barr(0))
call rtlmovememory(barr2(0), barr(0), length)
line = strconv(barr2, vbunicode)
line = ""
end if
end sub
dim s as string
call tb_getline( text1.hwnd, 5, s )
' 傳回值 s 即等於到 5 行的資料
注:textbox 的行次是從 0 起算。
vb如何獲取 textbox中部分內容
dim s as string
s = text1.text
msgbox split(split(s, "")(1), "")(0)
textbox 是以 vbcr+vblf 為分行符號, 如果我們要逐一讀取 textbox 每一行, 無非是尋找 vbcr+vblf 的所在位置, 然後取出每一行的字串, 不過這個方法不快,而且如果我們要讀取第 n 行資料,還是要從第 1、2、…n-1 行逐一讀起,實在麻煩。 還好 windows api 提供有讀取 textbox 第 n 行的功能, 細節如下:
1、api 的宣告:
private declare function sendmessage lib "user32" alias "sendmessagea" (byval hwnd as long, byval wmsg as long, byval wparam as long, lparam as any) as long
private declare sub rtlmovememory lib "kernel32" (lpvdest as any, lpvsource as any, byval cbcopy as long)
2. 程式範例:
sub tb_getline(byval hwnd as long, byval whichline as long, line as string)
dim length as long, barr() as byte, barr2() as byte, lc as long
lc = sendmessage(hwnd, em_lineindex, whichline, byval 0&)
length = sendmessage(hwnd, em_linelength, lc, byval 0&)
if length > 0 then
redim barr(length + 1) as byte,barr2(length - 1) as byte
call rtlmovememory(barr(0), length, 2) '準備一個儲存器,傳遞訊息之前先在儲存器的前兩個位元組填入儲存器的長度。
call sendmessage(hwnd, em_getline,whichline, barr(0))
call rtlmovememory(barr2(0), barr(0), length)
line = strconv(barr2, vbunicode)
line = ""
end if
end sub
' 假設要讀取 text1 第 5 行的資料
dim s as string
call tb_getline( text1.hwnd, 5, s )
' 傳回值 s 即等於第 5 行的資料
( 注:textbox 的行次是從 0 起算。)
以下在form需一個textbox,並設定multiline = true, 一個command button
private sub command1_click()
dim str5 as string
str5 = getaline(text1, 1) '取得第二行的字串,以0為基底
end sub
option explicit
const em_getline = &hc4
declare function sendmessage lib "user32" alias "sendmessagea" _
(byval hwnd as long, byval wmsg as long, byval wparam as long, _
lparam as any) as long
public function getaline(text1 as textbox, byval ntx as long) as string
dim str5(255) as byte '如果您的字串 > 255 byte請自行增加該byte array
dim str6 as string, i as long
str5(0) = 255 '字串的前兩個byte存該字串的最大長度
str5(0) = 255
i = sendmessage(text1.hwnd, em_getline, ntx, str5(0))
if i = 0 then
getaline = ""
str6 = strconv(str5, vbunicode)
getaline = left(str6, instr(1, str6, chr(0)) - 1)
end if
end function
text), 1))), 1)) 十位=val(left(cstr(val(right(cstr(text1.text), 2))), 1)) ......自右往左第e位=val(left(cstr(val(right(cstr(text1.
text), e))), 1)) 如果,text1.text=123445679天氣不錯805print val(left(cstr(val(right(cstr(text1.text), 15))), 1)) 輸出的將是2print val(left(cstr(val(right(cstr(text1.
text), 1))), 1)) 輸出的將是5
用api函式獲得使用者資料夾,這個我不曉得,我只會用獲取的使用者名稱來做.下面的 我並沒有限制使用者桌面上的txt檔案必須為 新建 文字文件.txt 也就是滿足檔案裡有字串 1234 的txt檔案,就刪除。你可以自己調整一下,這樣就不需要filelistbox控制元件了,如果只是針對你自己的電腦,這...
C 中如何讀取中的座標資料,C 中如何讀取txt文件中的座標資料?
include include inline bool check double const x int main int const arc,char const arg std ifstream file arg 1 if file int num double x,y,z int cnt 0 ...
定長字串你沒有理解。一個定長字串,比如dim str as string 256,這個str變數裡面就包含了256個空字元,而不是空格。首先你要理解字元和字串的區別,字元是一個一個的,字串是一組字元組成的。其次,空字元的ascii碼是0,而空格是32,在vb裡表示為 chr 0 和 chr 32 在...