justin bieber baby 的鋼琴譜。五線譜。
15323(you know you love me)
1532(i know you care)
15323(you shout whenever )
1532 ( and i『ll be there)
5532 (you want my love)
5532 (you want my hear)
112232323231(and we』ll never ever ever be apart)
15323(and we an item)
5321(gir qute playing)
5523(we are just friends)
11121(what are we saying)
32323253(so there『s another one looks right in my eyes)
32323263(my frist love in my heart for the frist time)
3232325(and i was like )
132333232217(and i was like baby baby baby baby noo,it's like)
3232325( baby baby baby noo)
3323232(baby baby baby noo)
3323325(i thought you』d always be mine)
132333232217( baby baby baby noo it's like)
3232325(baby baby baby noo)
3323232(baby baby baby noo)
3323325(i thought you』d always be mine)
求賈斯丁比伯baby的五線譜,請發至[email protected],感
誰有justin bieber的overboard的完整鋼琴普 (五線譜)
15323(you know you love me)
1532(i know you care)
15323(you shout whenever )
1532 ( and i『ll be there)
5532 (you want my love)
5532 (you want my hear)
112232323231(and we』賀廳ll never ever ever be apart)
15323(and we an item)
5321(gir qute playing)
5523(we are just friends)
11121(what are we saying)
32323253(so there『s another one looks right in my eyes)
32323263(my frist love in my heart for the frist time)
3232325(and i was like )
132333232217(and i was like baby baby baby baby noo,it'禪物隱s like)
3232325( baby baby baby noo)
3323232(baby baby baby noo)
3323325(i thought you』d always be mine)
132333232217( baby baby baby noo it's like)
3232325(baby baby baby noo)
3323232(baby baby baby noo)
3323325(i thought you』d always be mine)
justin bieber - baby 五線譜,急!!!
15323(you know you love me)
1532(i know you care)
15323(you shout whenever )
1532 ( and i『ll be there)
5532 (you want my love)
5532 (you want my hear)
112232323231(and we』ll never ever ever be apart)
15323(and we an item)
5321(gir qute playing)
5523(we are just friends)
11121(what are we saying)
32323253(so there『s another one looks right in my eyes)
32323263(my frist love in my heart for the frist time)
3232325(and i was like )
132333232217(and i was like baby baby baby baby noo,it's like)
3232325( baby baby baby noo)
3323232(baby baby baby noo)
3323325(i thought you』d always be mine)
132333232217( baby baby baby noo it's like)
3232325(baby baby baby noo)
3323232(baby baby baby noo)
3323325(i thought you』d always be mine)