i will always love you 主唱是誰
i will always love you》
歌曲中文名稱:我將一直愛你 :《i will always love you》最初是由美國著名鄉村女歌手桃麗�6�1芭頓(dolly parton)在1973年創作的,並在一年後發行。
據她透露,她創作這首歌是獻給她以前的搭檔兼顧問porter wagoner。這首歌一經發行立刻獲得成功,並榮登全美鄉村單曲榜第一,不過卻在流行歌曲榜單上表現平平。桃麗�6�1芭頓在1982年對其進行重新編曲使其成為電影《the best little whorehouse in texas》的插曲,並再次獲得全美鄉村單曲第一的桂冠,這也是她成為有史晌衫以來第一位憑藉同一首歌曲兩次登頂該榜的歌手。
1992年,美國著名黑人女歌手惠特尼�6�1休斯頓(whitney houston)與凱文�6�1科斯特納(kevin costner)聯袂主演電影《保鏢》,正在尋找適合的電影主題曲。腔謹滾一開始惠特尼�6�1休斯頓選中的是摩城傳奇jimmy ruffin的歌曲what becomes of the brokenhearted,但卻該曲已被電影《fried green tomatoes》所使用。後來凱文�6�1科斯特納推薦惠特尼�6�1休斯頓使用她的多年老友linda ronstadt在 1975的翻唱版本《i will always love you》,於是惠特尼�6�1休斯頓對該版本進行了重新編曲,使它的風格更接近美國黑人靈樂歌謠,並使其成為電影《保鏢》的主題伍餘曲。
惠特尼�6�1休斯頓版本的《i will always love you》在全世界範圍內獲得了巨大的成功,唱片總共賣出了超過1200萬張。這首歌在美國有線電視臺vh1評選的25年來最偉大的100首歌曲中排名第八,最偉大的100首情歌中排名第一。
love will keep us alive 歌詞
歌曲名:love will keep us alive
**:單身情歌 超炫精選。
i was standing all alone against the world outside.
you were search for a place to hide
lost and lonely
now you've given me the will to survive.
when we're hungry ..love will keep us alive
don't you worry sometimes you've just gotta let it ride.
the world is changing
right before your eyes
now i've found you
there's no more emptiness inside .
when we're hungry...love will keep us alive
i would die for you
climb the highest mountain
baby, there's nothing i wouldn't do
now i've found you
there's no more emptiness inside .
when we're hungry...love will keep us alive
i would die for you
climb the highest mountain
baby, there's nothing i wouldn't do
i was standing all alone against the world outside.
you were search for a place to hide
lost and lonely
now you've given me the will to survive.
when we're hungry ..love will keep us alive
by terry fans :yiyi
thank you