
2021-03-08 09:19:43 字數 5451 閱讀 9654


一、private sub ***mand1_click()randomize

dim x(1 to 50) as integerfor i = 1 to 50

x(i) = int(rnd() * 101) + 100if x(i) mod 7 = 0 then print x(i)next i

end sub

二、private sub ***mand1_click()zf = "我喜歡"

if ch1.value = 1 then zf = zf & ch1.caption & "、"

if ch2.value = 1 then zf = zf & ch2.caption & "、"

if ch3.value = 1 then zf = zf & ch3.caption & "、"

text1 = mid(zf, 1, len(zf) - 1)end sub

private sub form_load()ch1.caption = "游泳"

ch2.caption = "體操"

ch3.caption = "滑冰"

text1 = ""

end sub

三、private sub ***mand1_click()if val(text1) < 1 thenmsgbox "請輸入數字!"

exit sub

end if

text1 = val(text1)

if option1.value = true thentext2 = jsh

elseif option2.value = true thentext2 = osh

elseif option3.value = true thentext2 = pfh


text2 = lfh

end if

end sub

private sub form_load()option1.caption = "偶數和"option2.caption = "奇數和"

option3.caption = "平方和"

option4.caption = "立方和"

end sub

private function jsh()k = val(text1)

for i = 1 to k step 2jsh = jsh + i

next i

end function

private function osh()k = val(text1)

for i = 2 to k step 2osh = osh + i

next i

end function

private function pfh()k = val(text1)

for i = 1 to k

pfh = pfh + i ^ 2

next i

end function

private function lfh()k = val(text1)

for i = 1 to k

lfh = lfh + i ^ 3

next i

end function


第一題dim i as integer, data(10) as integer

for i = 0 to 10

data(i) = rnd(now) * 100 + 100next i

for i = 0 to 10

if data(i) mod 7 = 0 thenform1.print data(i)

end if

next i



dim a(121) as integer

dim x as integer

private sub form_load()


for x = 0 to 120

a(x) = int(rnd * 101 + 100)

if a(x) mod 7 = 0 then

print a(x)

end if

next x

end sub


text1.text = "我喜歡"

if check1.value = 1 then

text1.text = text1.text & check1.caption

end if

if check2.value = 1 then

text1.text = text1.text & check2.caption

end if

if check3.value = 1 then

text1.text = text1.text & check3.caption

end if


dim i, j as integer

sub op1(x as integer)

j = 0

for i = 0 to x

if i mod 2 = 0 then

j = j + i

end if

next i

text2.text = text2.text & "偶數和:" & i

end sub

sub op2(x as integer)

j = 0

for i = 0 to x

if i mod 2 <> 0 then

j = j + i

end if

next i

text2.text = text2.text & "奇數和:" & i

end sub

sub op3(x as integer)

j = 0

for i = 0 to x

j = j + i * i

next i

text2.text = text2.text & "平方和:" & i

end sub

sub op4(x as integer)

j = 0

for i = 0 to x

j = j + i * i * i

next i

text2.text = text2.text & "立方和:" & i

end sub

private sub ***mand1_click()

dim y as integer

if text1.text = "" or (not isnumeric(text1.text)) then

msgbox "輸入錯誤,請重新輸入"


y = val(text1.text)

if option1.value = true then

op1 (y)

end if

if option2.value = true then

op2 (y)

end if

if option3.value = true then

op3 (y)

end if

if option4.value = true then

op4 (y)

end if

end if

end sub

private sub form_load()

option1.value = true

end sub







print * 這個是錯的吧,應該是 print 「*」才能執行



print *



private sub ***mand1_click()dim w(), y()

w = array("", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五bai", "六", "日")

y = array("", "英語", "數學du", "語文", "物理zhi", "計算

dao機", "休息", "休息")

if text1 >= "1" and text1 <= "9" then

x = asc(text1) - 48

text2 = w(x)

text3 = y(x)


msgbox ("有效版輸入數權字範圍1-7")end if

end sub


private sub ***mand1_click()

if val(text1.text) > 7 or val(text1.text) < 1 then

msgbox "有效數字輸


exit sub

end if

text2.text = choose(val(text1.text), "一", _

"二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "日")

text3.text = choose(val(text1.text), "英語", _

"數學", "語文", "物理版", "計算機權", "體育", "休息")

end sub


select case text1.textcase 1

text2.text = "一"

text3.text = "英語"

case 2

text2.text = "二"

text3.text = "數學bai

du"case 3

text2.text = "三"

text3.text = "語文"

case 4

text2.text = "四"

text3.text = "物理"

case 5

text2.text = "五"

text3.text = "計算機


case 6

text2.text = "六"

text3.text = "體育dao"

case 7

text2.text = "日"

text3.text = "休息

回"case else

msgbox "有效數字輸入答範圍1-7"

text2.text = ""

text3.text = ""

end select


d 不是人bai們所畏懼的大du 自然的僅僅活動。zhi.not the only acts of nature不是自然僅有dao的活動內 not only the acts of natur不僅是自然地容活動,而且 d.not the only acts of nature 考點,only adj...


譯 主人非常生氣,把所有的奴隸都帶到他面前。had sth sb done.使某物 某人被.故選擇c brought.答案應該選c,brought.意思是 叫人把所有的奴隸帶到他面前。一道英語題,求大神解答。d 不是人bai們所畏懼的大du 自然的僅僅活動。zhi.not the only acts...

兩道數學題,求大神權威解答啊,兩道數學題 求大神。

9 b 這是通用證法,用x ny m代表直線ab方程可能簡單點。你可以試試。設m m,0 直線ab方程為y k x m 代入拋物線方程得 k x 2mk 2p x k m 0 設x x 為其兩個解。則ma 1 k x m mb 1 k x m 所以1 ma 1 mb x m x m 1 k x m ...