black eyed peas - boom boom pow
cross my mind - twin forks
girl, it's really good to see you come around.
i know you've been lost, i'm glad you got found,
'cause i've been a little lost myself.
found an old picture of you on my phone.
had a new feeling, now i won't let go
until i can, i can tell you myself.
why don't you stay for awhile.
it's been too long since i've smiled.
there's too few people i trust.
i won't ask you for too much,
good conversation and such,
and if i'm being honest...
from time to time
you cross my mind.
good company
is hard to find.
from time to time
you cross my mind.
so stay with me,
just for a night. (you cross my mind...)
got an old record in a beat up sleeve
that same sad song that you sang to me
back when you couldn't say it for yourself.
look, i'd be lying if i said to you
that i know exactly what i should do
but i set my whole heart on trying.
why don't you stay for awhile.
it's been too long since i've smiled.
there's too few people i trust.
i won't ask you for too much.
good conversation and such.
and if i'm being honest...
from time to time
you cross my mind.
good company
is hard to find.
from time to time
you cross my mind.
so stay with me,
just for a night. (you cross my mind...)
from time to time
you cross my mind.
good company
is hard to find.
from time to time
you cross my mind.
so stay with me,
just for a night. (you cross my mind...)
rather be-clean bandit/jess glynne
有一個是為緬懷因車禍逝世的演員保羅·沃克而創作的see u again
學園默示錄 第二季幾時出,學園默示錄第二季什麼時候出
暫時沒有公佈的訊息,估計2012的下半年吧,因為ova也就出了一個,但情節內容來看ova還有,所以應該讓ova出完再續第二季的內容,而且目前漫畫的進度還不能完全滿足第二季的需求,請耐心等待吧 很多年前,一個爸爸和一個媽媽想休假,所以他們決定晚上去城鎮。他們叫來最信任一個人來照看孩子。當保姆來的時候,...
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