1 we often help each other.
2 as helen and i were running together,i fell down suddenly and broke my head. she consoled me and sent ne home ,which made me moved.
3 we can understand and tolerate each other ,whcich made our friendship last forever.
4 our friendship grew deeper after this event.
翻了一半哈 劉紫雲,是我的同學兼室友,她是我最崇拜的一個人。她來自一個在農村的貧困家庭,所以她的生活永遠很簡單無趣。她是唯一一個在我們宿舍六個人裡沒有膝上型電腦的人,她的手機還是一個親戚用下來的二手貨,因為她家裡買不起一個新的手機。一年四季她只有少於五件能穿的衣服,我們在討論時尚和網購的時候她也似乎...
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a10f,china waiwen mansion,no.89 north road of the west third ring,haidian district,beijing,china 我覺得 中國外文大廈 的翻譯,你可以看你們那個建築上怎麼附的英文,查一下。如果沒有,我覺得你是對的,因為中...
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4 5 101 group3,residents mittee2,east first yong an tai street,xinfu district,fushun city,liaoning province,china.中國遼寧省撫順市新撫區永安臺街東1路2委3組 4 5 101 地址從小到...