3道英語題 急

2022-10-06 02:27:37 字數 518 閱讀 5267


1.we can try to repair it

2.the sun rises 7 : 10 points.

why do you want to sell this house


do you want to sell the house


we will try our best to mend it.

the sun rise at 7:10.

why do you want to sell the house?


1.we are sure that we can mend it in a way.

2.the sun doesn't rise until 7:10.

why do you want to sell this house?


你好!正確答案為 1 shocked be shocked at sth 震驚於某事,固定搭配i m shocked at the film這個電影讓我震驚。2 cwhen you are in trouble,why not phone the police 當你遇到麻煩時,為什麼不報警呢 pho...


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