
2022-10-18 05:42:09 字數 776 閱讀 3764



zhang xin is our monitor. she is tall, healthy and lively. she does well in all subjects.

she is fond of sports and is good at singing and dancing.zhang xin works hard at english. when she came to the school, she had quite a lot of difficulties with the language.

but she was not afraid of them and always tried her best to overcome them. she was active in class and did a lot of practice after class. no pains, no gains.

with great efforts she made much progress in english study.zhang xin is modest and always ready to help others. she is very strict with herself in her work and daily life.

she sets us all a fine example.


兩篇英語作文 100


多彩的春天 春天來了,大地上的每一個角落者充滿了春天的氣息。校園裡,到處都是春光明媚的魯象。柳樹抽出了細細的柳絲,上面綴潔了淡黃色的嫩葉 小草帶著泥土的芳香鑽了出來,一叢叢,一簇簇,又嫩又綠花兒也伸了伸懶腰,打了個哈欠,探出了小腦袋 小朋友們都脫掉了笨重的冬衣,換上了既輕便又鮮豔的春裝 小鳥們從家裡...


暑假的一天 今天,媽媽說要帶我去小門牙去玩,聽到這個訊息後,我一蹦三尺高,開心的不得了。在路上,我看見了道路兩旁的高山 綠樹 玉米等等使我目不暇接,心曠神怡,好一幅優美的田園色。我正看的入神,車突然停了下來,媽媽把我叫下了車,下車一看,小門牙簡直就是一個水的世界。進了小門牙媽媽給我買了一個救生圈讓我...


獅子頭魚 今天媽媽和我出去玩,在路過賣魚的那一片時。我想起媽媽前幾天說過的話 星期天我們一起去買幾條魚吧!我便對媽媽說,於是媽媽便帶我走到賣魚的攤前。媽媽一眼就看見了條紅色的魚。我問賣魚的叔叔 叔叔這是什嗎魚。z這是獅子魚。他回答。於是媽媽說要給他找個伴。可是其他幾條都掉鱗了,於是我問叔叔還有這樣的...