
2021-03-05 17:56:25 字數 691 閱讀 4371


firstly, xx university is among the top schools in the world.

secondly, i love english. the language is beatiful and just like singing.

thirdly, i can improve my independent thinking and innovation ability.


xx world universities ranked first hundred university is world-class university, and the second, i like english, i feel that english is like singing, and the third i can cultivate independent thinking and innovation.


1. xx is ranked the top uni in the world.

2. i love english with the nice lyric alike.

3. to help me in creative and critical thinking.


昔人有睹雁翔者,將援弓射之,曰 獲則烹。其弟爭曰 舒雁烹宜,翔雁宜燔。竟鬥而訟於社伯。社伯請剖雁,烹燔半焉。已而索雁,則凌空遠矣。劉元卿 應諧錄 1 解釋下列句子中加括號的詞。1 將 援 弓射之 拉 2 昔人有 睹 雁翔者 看見 3 舒雁烹 宜 適合 4 已而 索 雁 尋找 2 下列句中加括號的 其...


原文經修訂如下 所送新詩,皆興寄高遠,但語生硬,不諧律呂,或詞氣不逮初造意時,此病亦只是讀書未精博耳。長袖善舞,多錢善賈,不虛語也。南陽劉勰嘗 章之難雲 意翻空而易奇,文徵實而難工。此語亦是。沈 謝輩為儒林宗主時,好作奇語,故後生立論如此。好作奇語,自是文章病。但當以理為主,理得而辭順,文章自然出群...


1.選c,another one.樓主有沒有注意到後面是問號,表明那個人有點吃驚,意思是之前已經吃了一條巧克力了,還要再來一個?another 表達的就是這個意思。other 是 其他 的意思,一般不與one連用 every 是 每一個 的意思,但一般與one是連用,形成 everyone 不會分開...