1、 建立語法
create proc | procedure pro_name
[ [=預設值] [output],
[=預設值] [output],
2、 建立不帶引數儲存過程
if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'proc_get_student'))
drop proc proc_get_student
gocreate proc proc_get_student
asselect * from student;
exec proc_get_student;
3、 修改儲存過程
alter proc proc_get_student
asselect * from student;
4、 帶參儲存過程
if (object_id('proc_find_stu', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_find_stu
gocreate proc proc_find_stu(@startid int, @endid int)
asselect * from student where id between @startid and @endid
goexec proc_find_stu 2, 4;
5、 帶萬用字元引數儲存過程
if (object_id('proc_findstudentbyname', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_findstudentbyname
gocreate proc proc_findstudentbyname(@name varchar(20) = '%j%', @nextname varchar(20) = '%')
asselect * from student where name like @name and name like @nextname;
goexec proc_findstudentbyname;exec proc_findstudentbyname '%o%', 't%';
這裡以建立名為 getstucou 的無引數儲存過程為例:
create procedure getstucou
as begin //開始儲存過程
select * from students left join course c on s.c_s_id=c.c_id
end //結束儲存過程
create procedure proc(後面接型別)
declare @a intset @a=5 print @a
declare @user1 nvarchar(50)
select @user1='張三'
print @user1
declare @user2 nvarchar(50)
--建立臨時表1 create table #du_user1
( [id] [int] not null,
[oid] [int] not null,
declare user_cur cursor for select id,oid,[login] from st_user
open user_cur
while @@fetch_status=0 begin
fetch next from user_cur into @id,@oid,@login
print @id
--print @login
endclose user_cur
5、避免超時後還可開啟事務 set xact_abort on統計資訊可以優化查詢速度,統計資訊準確可以避免查詢掃描,直接進行索引查詢。
1、 建立語法
create proc | procedure pro_name
[ [=預設值] [output],
[=預設值] [output],
2、 建立不帶引數儲存過程
if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'proc_get_student'))
drop proc proc_get_student
gocreate proc proc_get_student
asselect * from student;
exec proc_get_student;
3、 修改儲存過程
alter proc proc_get_student
asselect * from student;
4、 帶參儲存過程
if (object_id('proc_find_stu', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_find_stu
gocreate proc proc_find_stu(@startid int, @endid int)
asselect * from student where id between @startid and @endid
goexec proc_find_stu 2, 4;
5、 帶萬用字元引數儲存過程
if (object_id('proc_findstudentbyname', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_findstudentbyname
gocreate proc proc_findstudentbyname(@name varchar(20) = '%j%', @nextname varchar(20) = '%')
asselect * from student where name like @name and name like @nextname;
goexec proc_findstudentbyname;
exec proc_findstudentbyname '%o%', 't%';
6、 帶輸出引數儲存過程
if (object_id('proc_getstudentrecord', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_getstudentrecord
gocreate proc proc_getstudentrecord(
@id int, --預設輸入引數
@name varchar(20) out, --輸出引數
@age varchar(20) output--輸入輸出引數)as
select @name = name, @age = age from student where id = @id and *** = @age;
declare @id int,
@name varchar(20),
@temp varchar(20);
set @id = 7;
set @temp = 1;
exec proc_getstudentrecord @id, @name out, @temp output;
select @name, @temp;
print @name + '#' + @temp;
7、 不快取儲存過程
--with re***pile 不快取
if (object_id('proc_temp', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_temp
gocreate proc proc_temp
with re***pile
asselect * from student;
goexec proc_temp;
8、 加密儲存過程
--加密with encryption
if (object_id('proc_temp_encryption', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_temp_encryption
gocreate proc proc_temp_encryption
with encryption
asselect * from student;
goexec proc_temp_encryption;
exec sp_helptext 'proc_temp';
exec sp_helptext 'proc_temp_encryption';
9、 帶遊標引數儲存過程
if (object_id('proc_cursor', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_cursor
gocreate proc proc_cursor
@cur cursor varying output
asset @cur = cursor forward_only static for
select id, name, age from student;
open @cur;
declare @exec_cur cursor;
declare @id int,
@name varchar(20),
@age int;
exec proc_cursor @cur = @exec_cur output;--呼叫儲存過程
fetch next from @exec_cur into @id, @name, @age;
while (@@fetch_status = 0)
fetch next from @exec_cur into @id, @name, @age;
print 'id: ' + convert(varchar, @id) + ', name: ' + @name + ', age:
' + convert(char, @age);
endclose @exec_cur;
deallocate @exec_cur;--刪除遊標
10、 分頁儲存過程
if (object_id('pro_page', 'p') is not null)
drop proc proc_cursor
gocreate proc pro_page
@startindex int,
@endindex int
asselect count(*) from product
;select * from (
select row_number() over(order by pid) as rowid, * from product
) temp
where temp.rowid between @startindex and @endindex
go--drop proc pro_page
exec pro_page 1, 4
if (object_id('pro_page', 'p') is not null)
drop proc pro_stu
gocreate procedure pro_stu(
@pageindex int,
@pagesize int)as
declare @startrow int, @endrow int
set @startrow = (@pageindex - 1) * @pagesize +1
set @endrow = @startrow + @pagesize -1
select * from (
select *, row_number() over (order by id asc) as number from student
) twhere t.number between @startrow and @endrow;
exec pro_stu 2, 2;
ctrl s 其它常用的文書處理快捷鍵 1 ctrl h 替換 huan 2 ctrl i 斜體 italic 3 ctrl j 兩端對齊 justify 4 ctrl k 超級連結 king link 5 ctrl l 左對齊 left ailgn 6 ctrl m 左縮排 m 7 ctrl n ...
儲存過程就相當於程式語言中的函式或方法,根據使用者給定的引數執行一段 例 你給我20分,我從鍵盤輸入文字,回答問題,並提交答案.我所做的就是一個儲存過程,你給的20分是引數,你給的分多,我就回答的詳細 事務是一種機制,確保一組資料庫命令,要麼全都執行,要麼都不執行例 你到銀行轉帳1000元到我的賬戶...
一般將來時表示將來某一時刻的動作或狀態,或將來某一段時間內經常的動作或狀態。在英語時態中,時 指動作發生的時間,態 指動作的樣子和狀態。一般將來時常常和表示將來的時間狀語連用。如 tomorrow 明天 next week 下週 in the future 將來 等。一般將來時由助動詞shall 第...