
2022-11-05 22:41:49 字數 1081 閱讀 8795



dim a(100) as integerprivate sub command1_click()k = 1

if text2.text = "" then exit subfor i = 1 to 100

if a(i) = text2.text thenk = 0


text3.text = text3.text & a(i) & vbcrlf

end if

next i

if k then

text3.text = ""

i = msgbox("沒有該數", vbokonly)end if

end sub

private sub form_load()text1.text = ""

text2.text = ""

text3.text = ""

for i = 1 to 100

a(i) = int(rnd * 201 - 101)text1.text = text1.text & a(i) & vbcrlf

next i

end sub


private sub command1_click()s = " " & trim(text2) & " "

if instr(1, text1, s) > 0 thentext1 = replace(text1, s, " ")else

msgbox ("要刪除的數" & s & "未找到!")end if

end sub

private sub form_load()text1 = "": text2 = "": text3 = ""

for i = 1 to 100

text1 = text1 & " " & 99 - int(199 * rnd)

if i mod 10 = 0 then text1 = text1 & " " & vbcrlf

next i

end sub


最標準,復簡單 dima asinteger,bas long,s asdoubleb 0a 1 s 0fora 1to100b b as s 1 ba a 1next aprint s 制 說明下把 先定義a 是整型,再定義一個b 是長整型,讓s 是雙精度型別,因為1 長整數 得到的必定超過了單精...


實現方法很多呀。如果自帶進度條。可以用自帶的做。太久不用vb6了。放了是否自帶了。這種做法就是設定一個總值。比如100,然後把你程式要做的工作分成若干個任務,比如10個。這樣每次一個任務執行完,更新進度條的值。10,20,30.還有更靈活的。不如利用picture box。在flash裡面做一個動畫...

vb中程式設計序求 s 1 1 2 1 1 2 31 1

最標準,抄簡單 襲 dim a as integer,b as long,s as double b 0 a 1 s 0 for a 1 to 100 b b a s s 1 b a a 1 next a print s 說明下把bai 先定義 a 是整型 du,再定義一個zhib 是長整型,讓 d...