1 6英語,求快速

2022-12-01 21:56:03 字數 752 閱讀 7026


1.a bill will be sent to you by them at the end of the month.

2.young trees must be looked after well by us.

3.students' classroom must be cleaned by them every day.

4.your mistakes must be corrected in your exercises.

5.a dictionary can't be used in the exam.

6.the letters will be typed by her this arternoon.


you will be given a bill by them at the end of the month.

young tress must be looked after well by you.

classroom must be cleaned by students every day.

mistakes in your exercises must be corrected by you.

a dictory cannot be used by you in the exam.

the letters will be typed by her this aftrnoon.


1 選擇場景 需要一個安靜 光線暗的環境 以夜晚為最佳參考 排除一切可干擾的因素,手機暫時關機或靜音,確保無人打擾等。2 準備階段 做出打坐的姿勢,雙手掌心自然扣到膝蓋上,深呼吸。想著從自己的額頭開始,鼻子 下巴 雙肩 手臂 背部 腰部 臀部 大腿 小腿 雙腳,依次放鬆,漸漸的會找到放鬆的感覺。3 ...


去除黑眼圈的幾種方法 1 鹽水熱敷 往一杯熱水中放一湯匙鹽,用棉花吸收,包牢靠,敷在臉上,反覆多次之後,可以看到黑眼圈有改善喔.2綠茶熱敷 把用過的綠茶茶包陰乾,放在冰箱冷藏30分鐘,敷在黑眼圈上20分鐘。茶包一定要陰乾,不然黑眼圈會受到茶包顏色的影響。3 多喝薏米水 敷薏米水 薏米有去腫活血的效果...


你所的快速睡眠法,我的理解是否是想提高睡眠效率,很快進入睡眠狀態。如果是這樣。我建議你用催眠的方法,你看催眠師一下子就可以讓人進入催眠狀態。不過你一個人就用自我催眠的方法。如果還是不行,那麼你就聽聽成功學大師陳安之談如何恢復精力15分鐘的使用相當3小時的睡眠 也許這個可以幫助你 你應該是失眠了吧。晚...