self-employed [ˌselfemˈplɔɪd],adj.個體經營的; 自僱的; 自己經營的; 自由業的;
article 18 self - employed workers or merchants may manufacture or repair ****** measuring instruments.第十八條個體工商戶可以製造、修理簡易的計量器具。
自己僱傭自己 可以理解為自己創業的人 也可理解為個體戶。
the following facts are known about him:
he uses his own tools to do his job
[self employed]
he normally waits to be given work by others
if something goes wrong the ***pany and not timothy pays to fix the problem
timothy can choose when he works
he cannot choose who he works with
timothy『s work is very closely controlled by others
意恐 y k ng 意恐 兩個字出自 遊子吟 中的 意恐遲遲歸回 意恐 表示擔心。原文答 遊子吟 孟郊 慈母手中線,遊子身上衣。臨行密密縫,意恐遲遲歸。誰言寸草心,報得三春暉。譯文 慈母用手中的針線,為遠行的兒子趕製身上的衣衫。臨行前一針針密密地縫綴,怕的是兒子回來得晚衣服破損。有誰敢說,子女像小草...
it s very kind of you.翻譯 你真是太好了 一 讀音 英 ts veri ka nd v ju 二 例句 1 that s great it s very kind of you 那好極了!你們真是太好了。擴充套件資料 詞彙釋義 一 very 讀音 英 ver 美 v r 釋義 ...
不是 photolitographic 是photolithographic it is a way of electronic circuit boards.it has nothing to do with a camera and photographs.sorry i don t know ...