
2021-03-25 15:29:07 字數 744 閱讀 9993


libya's three cabi***s on our ***pany must first receive your order to our ***pany freight shipping, freight charges because of this vote more, our ***pany can not be paid, and ask for your understanding!

e68a84e8a2ad62616964757a686964616f31333335336362 ! ! shipping usd5570x2/40gp!

usd3750x1/20gp! total usd14890! your ***pany again and again because of one, our ***pany is now no way to catch up this week, the water vessel, so also increased the number of cabi*** positions need to rent another count!

director cargo size 1 5.4 * 2.9 * w 1.

9 2 high director 3.5 * 2.06 * w 1.

5 this high size must be under three cabi***s can be installed! please be kept informed! !


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現在,我為大家介紹的是我的家鄉 佛山高明,now,i tell you is my home foshan clever 現在大家看到的 就是佛山第一峰 皂幕山,now we see the picture is foshan first peak mount soap screen 她大約高805...


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