
2022-10-11 03:41:33 字數 1026 閱讀 7844


1,這本字典對學生來說很有價值(be of great value to)

this dictionary is of great value to the students.

2,我們的國家正變得越來越大(more and more..)

our country is getting more and more powerful.

3,家裡太吵,電視總是開著(be on)

it is too noisy at home.tv is always on.

4,我不知道他是否在家(whether..or not)

i don't know whether he is at home or not.


1.this dictionary is of great value to students.

2.our country is becoming more and more powerful .

3.it's too noisy at home ,the tv is always on

4.i don't know whether he is at home or not

我覺得第二句有點怪,但肯定不是用strong big之類,因為strong big是stronger and stronger biger and biger

但他要more and more 所以我用了巨大powerful


this dictionary is of great value to the student

our country is becoming more and more strong.(是強大吧?)

the home is always noisy,because the tv is on all the time.

i don't know whether he at home our not.

初三物理 並聯電路計算題兩道 速度加分啊!!

1 1 電路的等效電路圖為 電壓表與開關串聯後與r1並聯,然後它們再與電流表a1串聯後的電路與r2並聯。這些電路與電流表a2串聯後接在電源上。所以 電流表二端的電壓降可以忽略不計,所以r2二端電壓近似等於3v流過r2的電流為 i2 3 6 所以總電流a2的示數為 i 二端的電壓為 3v,流過r1的電...


記錄下在第10行和第13行中 must 的使用方法。用下列短語造三個句子。第二張1.was glad和heard的主語都是i,所以 i was glad to hear that 2.he said he was sorry to 3.you will be glad to hear that 誰幫...


1 選c 因為hard的副詞形式就是hard 所以副詞比較級是 harder hardly是 幾乎不 的意思 2 選c either of 中的任意一個 neither of 兩這都不 這裡關鍵就是答語是.i don t know根據題意想要表達的意思是 我不瞭解他們兩者 i don t know ...