
2021-03-12 16:30:37 字數 1099 閱讀 1073


1:can i take photos with youç2:sorry, i can't understand what you are saying.

my english is poor.

3:i can't express what i want to say clearly.

4:let me give you a picture.

5:i help you to ask others.



1. can i take a photo with you?

2. sorry, i can't catch ya. my english is poor.

3. i can't make myself understood.

4. i draw a picture for you.

5. i asked other people for you.


1. can i take photo with you?

2. pardon,i can't catch what you are saying. my english is not very good.

3. i can't express what i want to say.

4. let me draw a picture for you.

5. i wil help you to ask others.



1. can i take a photo with you ?

2. i'm sorry, i don't understand you, my english is not well.

3.i can't explain what i want to say.

4. let me draw picture for you.

5. i would ask someone else for you.


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幫我把幾句話翻譯成英文 拜託了儘可能的地道一點謝謝

你是學什麼的呀 為什麼要是說英語呀 幫我把這些句字翻譯成英文.拜託了.要正確.謝謝.這麼麻煩的事情你懸賞5分就想有人幫你做?the beginning of the vanity are left.endless clouds slowly darkened.close your eyes do n...


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