翻譯註意語法,英文 翻譯 注意語法

2022-11-29 10:06:08 字數 1231 閱讀 3618




i am sorry again. because the price of materai in this year has increased so much, and is affected by the envirornmental protection element, many supplier 's delivery of goods are affected. now it become normal.


翻譯成英文是because the price of materials rose more this year, and affected by environmental factors, more suppliers delivery impact. now has returned to normal

英文 翻譯 注意語法


sorry,we find some mistakes when we check the numbers.this product's number is a185,and the price of it is 968usd,thank you very much ! thanks again for your warning!

翻譯 英語 注意語法,謝謝! 200


your goods will be completed by nov. 5th (including order a and b). please also confirm whether the lettering for order b is the same as previous.

thank you!

mr. liu will come to our company to conduct the goods inspection. the delivery is planned around 11th.

please confirm as soon as possible and arrange the payment accordingly. thanks!

英語 翻譯 注意下語法,謝謝


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